Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to all the Book Writing, Publishing, and Marketing projects that are acquired by www.authorsbookhub.com


It is our policy to give you copyright of the contentment we provide you as per the agreed terms. There no rights on the final content we have developed; you have the liberty to use it wherever you want to.


We request a 100% upfront payment for all the services we provide, which are (inclusive) of the tax to be financed by no other than the client.


For your satisfaction, we accept multiple numbers of revisions, but within 7 days after the final delivery of the project is done. As far as the unique cases are concerned, our time limit for modifications can be extended to 14 days too.

The turnabout time for revisions are classified as follows:

Requirements of a Project

Our Authors Book Hub individually discuss all the requirements with our clients before the beginning of the project. For any disagreements caused in the services, we make sure to convey them to you based on our agreed terms and conditions at the starting of the project.

Refund Policy
Terms of Use
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